
Parents and Friends Association

St Michael's Parents and Friends Association (P&F) plays a vital part in supporting the school community. It is a forum for parents to contribute suggestions and ideas that assist the principal's role of building a welcoming and supportive community.

This year the format of the committee for the P & F is a llttle different to the past. Rather than specific roles, there are P&F coordinators who are supported by class representatives.The coordinators meet with the Principal and/or Assistant Principal as needed otherwise business arising will be agreed upon via email. P&F Coordinators for 2019 are as follows:- 

Elizabeth Martinovic                  Karen Alexander - Treasurer          
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Involvement in the P&F

These events would not happen without the help of volunteers. Every family at the school is automatically a part of the P&F and is invited to attend meetings, events and help where possible. The level of involvement in the P&F is up to the individual and can range from being a committee member, class coordinator, attending meetings, or helping out when there is an event on.
Every P&F fundraiser is run entirely by volunteers - from the big jobs of organising events, right down to baking cupcakes or manning a sausage sizzle for an hour. No amount of support is too great or small.