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Vision, Mission and Values


Our Vision, inspired by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, is that all children who leave our school:

  • have a positive sense of community
  • have an appreciation of, and respect for themselves as valuable people
  • show kindness and respect for other people and the world in which they live
  • have been given the opportunity to attain their academic potential
  • are aware that learning is a life-long experience

Following the example of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, the Mission of our school community is to build a relationship with Jesus and live it in our values and relationships with each other.


Inspired by our founders, St Mary Of The Cross MacKillop and the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, our school has the charism of building a relationship with Jesus through valuing our relationship with each other.  St Mary of the Cross MacKillop is Australia’s first saint.  Her charism calls for people to act with kindness, generous hospitality and respect for all; to show faith in God and to express love and joy in all we do.


Our traditional school motto is Pray and Labour; which is to show faith and commitment to God and our relationships with others.