At St Michael’s, we aim to cater for all students’ strengths and interests, and bring out the best in each individual. This is done in many areas and with a variety of learning experiences.
Personalised plans are written by classroom teachers in consultation with parents or carers for students with diagnosed or imputed disability. These plans aim to ensure that all students can engage in school life and learning on the same basis as their peers.
Scheduled meetings occur between the school and parents twice a year to ensure that personalised plans and goals are up to date.
Working to meet the learning needs of each student is of paramount importance to all of us at St Michael’s. Through specific diagnosis, and then with support from the Catholic Education Office in Wollongong, our school can cater for some particular needs in our mainstream classes.
Support is provided for the student and the classroom teacher which enables the student’s needs to be assessed, and then a program developed and implemented. At times, a School Support Officer may be needed to help implement this program.
With support from the Catholic Education Office, our school has begun work on searching for specific tools which will assist in identifying students who display a gift or talent in a particular area of the curriculum.
Recent programs such as Strengthening Potential through Learning in Interactive Challenging Environments in the Diocese of Wollongong (SPLICED) have enabled some of these students to be challenged and supported in their talents.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning is used to extend and support students' thinking and problem-solving skills. These include coding, robotics and engineering investigation tasks.